Google Layoffs Decimate Python, Dart, and Flutter Teams

Google's latest round of layoffs has decimated some of the company's development teams, including its Python, Dart, and Flutter teams....
Google Layoffs Decimate Python, Dart, and Flutter Teams
Written by Matt Milano
  • Google’s latest round of layoffs has decimated some of the company’s development teams, including its Python, Dart, and Flutter teams.

    Kevin Moore, Google PM on Flutter and Dart, took to Reddit to describe the layoffs:

    Hey folks! Kevin, product manager on Flutter and Dart here.

    The layoffs were decided AT LEAST a couple of layers above our team and affected a LOT of teams. (I think I can say that). Lots of good folks got bad news and lots of great projects lost people. Flutter and Dart were not affected any more or less that others. It was a tough day…tough week.

    It was crazy to be seeing demos and new things working and discussions about new customers the same day we lost colleagues and friends.

    We’re sad, but still cranking hard on I/O and beyond.

    We know ya’ll care SO MUCH about the project and the team and the awesome ecosystem we’ve built together.

    You’re nervous. I get it. We get it.

    You’re betting on Flutter and Dart.

    So am I. So is Google.

    According to Thomas Wouters, a Googler and member of the Python Steering Council, virtually the entire Python team was laid off:

    It’s a tough day when everyone you work with directly, including your manager, is laid off — excuse me, “had their roles reduced”, and you’re asked to onboard their replacements, people told to take those very same roles just in a different country who are not any happier about it. (It’s almost like capitalism isn’t actually good and you shouldn’t want to live in the US.)

    I suspect I’ll be taking Akio on extra long walks for the time being.

    Another individual confirmed the extent of the Python layoffs in a post on Hacker News:

    Support team is one thing. Google’s Python team was a small team, most of which were also on the Python steering council or Core Python developers. These people had decades of experience in Python. Their knowledge and community connections is irreplaceable.

    Hindustan Times reports that Google is setting up a new Python team in Germany to take advantage of “cheaper” labor.

    Google said in a statement to InfoWorld that the layoffs were not widespread, but an effort to simplify the company’s structure.

    Based on reports, however, simplifying the company’s structure seems to be another term for outsourcing jobs to a cheaper market.

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