A Google Glass ban has been on the minds of some people as stories begin to emerge of establishments saying they will bar customers from wearing Google’s new tech inside. Those are just stories from a small number of businesses though? Is there any chance that Google Glass could be banned on a much larger scale?
A recent petition on the White House’s We the People Web site is asking the administration to ban Google Glass until certain privacy concerns can be addressed. The petition has only received 30 signatures so far though. If there’s wide-spread fear of Google Glass, it’s not being voiced here.
Of course, it doesn’t mean that anti-Glass advocates are small in numbers. In recent months, a Web site called “Stop the Cyborgs” was created to collect all stories on the technology while providing interesting commentary on the future of personal surveillance and privacy. That being said, the group is adamant that it does not hate Google and that it does not want to ban Glass. Instead, the group says that it wants to “encourage individual people to think about the impact of new technologies, to set bounds on how technologies are used proactively, and negotiate their relationship with the future.”
Besides people getting a laugh out of white dudes looking really nerdy wearing Glass, most seem to be of the above opinion. Google Glass isn’t an evil that needs to be eradicated, but rather something that people should just be aware of. Glass opens up a lot of new possibilities, but some of those possibilities can be rather scary. Is the risk worth it? It’s best to let the market decide that.