Google Adds Client-Side Encryption to Mobile Meet and Calendar Apps

Google is adding a new feature to help mobile users protect their security and privacy, with client-side encryption in Meet and Calendar....
Google Adds Client-Side Encryption to Mobile Meet and Calendar Apps
Written by Staff
  • Google is adding a new feature to help mobile users protect their security and privacy, with client-side encryption in Meet and Calendar.

    Client-side encryption gives users more control over the encryption process and ensures that no one, not even Google, can access the encrypted communications. Google announced the feature in a blog post:

    Client-side encryption gives users direct control of their encryption keys and the identity service that authenticates those keys. Further, client-side encryption ensures that Google cannot access audio and video content under any circumstances. Our original announcement has more information about client-side encryption in Meet.

    There are several steps users must take, which Google details here…

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