So long, Facebook Questions. We barely knew ye, nor ever really cared to.
Facebook Questions debuted in the summer of 2010 and gave users the ability to post public queries to their friends. Who’s the best Backstreet Boy? What’s the best pizza place in town? Whatever. The product saw some buzz at the very beginning but soon became a mostly forgotten feature.
And then Facebook did the big revamp in the Spring of 2011. They said the new Questions was all about your friends and finding useful information via polls. The new product allowed users to designate multiple choice answers or allow for long-form responses. When that happened, I saw a decent amount of questions in my news feed for a little while. And then, just like before, crickets.
Now, Facebook is shutting it down – for the most part. Facebook told TechCrunch that they are yanking the Questions option from the top of users’ news feeds (next to update status and add photo/video). It’s already happening:
Questions will still be available for Groups and on Pages – which is really where they belong anyways (if anywhere). As a page owner, I can still select “Question” from the “Offer, Event +” tab in the update box.
Users can also get to all their old Questions in the Activity Feed.
Are you sad to see Questions go? Did you even notice that Questions were still on option in your update box?