Facebook Is A Virtual Vigilante!

What, Facebook is a virtual vigilante? What does that mean? I guess you may have heard of law enforcement officials utilizing Facebook posts and other information to arrest, track-down and even convic...
Facebook Is A Virtual Vigilante!
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What, Facebook is a virtual vigilante? What does that mean? I guess you may have heard of law enforcement officials utilizing Facebook posts and other information to arrest, track-down and even convict perpetrators. In fact, there’s new cases almost every day.

This time is a little different, it’s an infographic about 20 different cases that have been solved by using Facebook brought to us by CriminalJusticeDegreesGuide.com:

20 Cases Solved By Using Facebook
Via: Criminal Justice Degrees Guide Blog

So there there it is, real evidence that Facebook is a virtual vigilante. I don’t really care, but criminal should wise up and stop broadcasting their crimes on Facebook. On the other hand, it has probably helped the police immensely and makes them seem extremely competent in the eyes of the community. Thanks Facebook!

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