Facebook IPO Draws The Ire Of Twitter

The $100 billion dollar record breaking Facebook IPO is today. There are a lot of questions that will be answered both by the end of the day and the next few days as to whether or not the stock is a g...
Facebook IPO Draws The Ire Of Twitter
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The $100 billion dollar record breaking Facebook IPO is today. There are a lot of questions that will be answered both by the end of the day and the next few days as to whether or not the stock is a good buy. With companies like GM pulling advertising dollars, and the push from some people to put a woman on the board, Facebook has the possibility to go down in flames fast if they don’t fix their problems.

The speculation and pondering by talking heads is getting old and I’m ready for trading to begin. Through out this whole craziness today, there is also one other coming besides the instant ultra billionaire status of Mark Zuckerberg, and that is the bashing on Twitter! Jokes, funny quips, and warnings are coming because if there is one thing that Twitter is good for, it’s advice:

What will Google announce today to offset the massive focus on Facebook IPO? (Or will they?)
36 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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… so basically, The Facebook IPO is not the move for the average person lol
6 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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Why is Facebook going public?They couldn’t figure out the privacy settings either.
16 hours ago via Echofon · powered by @socialditto
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Facebook IPO is Kate & William’s wedding for business nerds
1 hour ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto
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Facebook IPO Facebook IPOFacebook IPO IPO IPOIPOIPO…[What your news will look like today]
3 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto
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The world is about to change. Facebook IPO.
5 hours ago via TweetCaster for Android · powered by @socialditto
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This facebook IPO is criminal. Big bubble for the rich investors to get rich!
1 minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® · powered by @socialditto
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If the Facebook IPO goes anything like the Garth Brooks ticket release than I should be able to get some stock on StubHub for $600/share.
1 minute ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto
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Every penny increase in Facebook’s $38 IPO share price is $5 million for Zuck…
Let the quoting & bids begin in t-minus 60 seconds… $FB
4 minutes ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto
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