Facebook Gifts Event Now Scheduled for November 15

On October 29th, Facebook sent out invites for a media event at FAO Schwartz in New York City. The event was scheduled for November 1st and was supposed to deal with Facebook’s new Gifts ecommer...
Facebook Gifts Event Now Scheduled for November 15
Written by Josh Wolford

On October 29th, Facebook sent out invites for a media event at FAO Schwartz in New York City. The event was scheduled for November 1st and was supposed to deal with Facebook’s new Gifts ecommerce platform. Of course, Mother Nature decided to disregard the feeble plans of man and threw a superstorm at the entire east coast. Due to the seriousness of Hurricane Sandy, Facebook decided to cancel the event.

Now, it’s officially been rescheduled.

The Facebook Gifts event will now take place on Thursday, November 15th at 7:30 pm ET. It’s still being held at FAO Schwartz on Fifth Avenue.

It’s unclear exactly what Facebook will detail at the event, but it’s expected that it will have something to do with additional retail partners for the Gifts initiative. Facebook Gifts’ soft launch included over 100 partners.

Although they didn’t end up having the Gifts event on November 1st, Facebook did announce some news about the feature on that day. Users can now make donations to charity using Facebook Gifts. It works the same way as giving a physical gift, and either the giver or the receiver can designate which of 11 charities will benefit from the donation.

Facebook also recently updated their iOS app to provide Gifts support.

Facebook Gifts is currently only available in the U.S., and only for a small set of users. Facebook says that they will have it rolled out to more users “soon.”

[Image via CNET]

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