Edinburgh Nude Picasso Disturbs Airport Passengers

An Edinburgh exhibition of some very famous Picasso art left many airport travelers blushing, leading to several complaints to officials which were substantial enough to have the painting covered up. ...
Edinburgh Nude Picasso Disturbs Airport Passengers
Written by Amanda Crum

An Edinburgh exhibition of some very famous Picasso art left many airport travelers blushing, leading to several complaints to officials which were substantial enough to have the painting covered up.

Promoting a show at the Scottish Museum Of Modern Art, “Nude Woman In A Red Armchair” depicts just that, only in Picasso’s famous Surrealist style. While the woman in question is nude and does indeed display a female’s anatomy, one has to wonder why some people draw the line at lovely works of art rather than perfume ads or, say, magazine covers when it comes to nudity.

“All kinds of images of women in various states of dress and undress can be used in contemporary advertising without comment,” said John Leighton, Director-General of the National Galleries of Scotland. “But somehow a painted nude by one of the world’s most famous artists is found to be disturbing and has to be removed.”

The airport’s decision to cover up the artwork was met with quite a bit of backlash, however, forcing them to reconsider and eventually uncover it.

Patrick Elliot, curator of the Scottish National Gallery Of Modern Art, spoke about the exhibition.

“The exhibition shows how British artists took inspiration from the strength of Picasso’s work throughout his life and then took it in all kinds of different directions.”


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