Donald Trump announced last week that he would give $5 million to the charity of President Obama’s choice if he would release his college and passport records to the public by a certain time today. However, due to the immense crisis the East Coast has endured with Hurricane Sandy–and Obama canceling many of his appointments in order to deal with the situation–Trump has graciously offered an extension on the deadline.
“The check will be given within one hour after he releases all of the records so stated,” Trump said in his original announcement. “He’ll be doing a great service for the country if he does this. If he releases these records, it will end the questions and indeed the anger of many Americans. They’ll know something about their president.”
Obama has yet to take Trump up on the offer, however, and joked about their relationship to Jay Leno after the announcement was made, saying the bad blood began when the two of them were growing up together in Kenya (in reality, the pair has never met face-to-face).
“We had constant run-ins on the soccer field,” Obama said. “He wasn’t very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America I thought it would be over.”
Trump said on Twitter that he would give the president more time to think it over due to his recent busy schedule, which brings up a point: why not give the $5 million to relief efforts in New York?
Because of the hurricane, I am extending my 5 million dollar offer for President Obama’s favorite charity until 12PM on Thursday.