Dog shaming is all the rage now, apparently, as it was featured on “Today” with Kathie Lee and Hoda after photos of pets plastered with their bad deeds went viral on the web. And while some people think it’s mean, most just think it’s a funny way to call out pets for being adorable little jerks.
Anyone with a pet knows they like to get up to shenanigans, especially when they have the house to themselves. My dog, Danzig, is particularly fond of eating trash (used Kleenex seems to be like a fine delicacy to him), stealing my daughter’s food when she’s distracted, and sneaking into my office to steal Blow Pops. We love him dearly, and I’m sure he (mostly) just does it for attention, but damn it gets old.
Dog shaming is actually not a new thing; Will Ferrell introduced us to it back when he was on SNL.