Developer Company Touca Is Shutting Down

Touca, the tool that helps developers avoid regressions in their code, has announced it is shutting down after two years....
Developer Company Touca Is Shutting Down
Written by Staff
  • Touca, the tool that helps developers avoid regressions in their code, has announced it is shutting down after two years.

    Pejman Ghorbanzade founded Touca two years ago, a project born out of “frustration with the status quo of poor developer experience in writing, maintaining, and running software tests.” The company’s product supports 13 engineering teams and more than 1,000 software engineers.

    Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to keep the company alive, and Ghorbanzade has announced it is shutting down.

    Despite growing usage, we had not yet found product-market fit when the down market started. We failed to secure more funding. Our revenue declined as some of our largest customers downgraded to cut costs. In the process to convert our nice-to-have product to a must-have, we burnt out.

    We started with the ambitious vision to tenfold developer productivity by fundamentally changing how engineers test their code changes. We set out to grow Touca into the likes of GitHub, Replit, and Retool. A series of recent setbacks have depleted our mental fortitude to realize that vision. While there is a path to sustain Touca as a small business, the opportunity cost would be too high. We are returning our cash to our investors while we can still make them whole.

    Fortunately, thanks to Touca being open source, the product will live on…even if the company doesn’t.

    Touca is shutting down as a business, but our fully open-source product will live on. We plan to continue supporting our users and maintaining the project we started five years ago.

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