The critically acclaimed, daytime soap opera Days of our Lives has been renewed by NBC. Earlier today, the television network announced that the long-running broadcast has been extended for two additional years through September 2016. The renewal will surpass the show’s 50th anniversary in November 2015.
The announcement comes shortly after the news of Alison Sweeney’s departure from the show. Sweeney, who portrayed Sami Brady, has been on the show for more than 20 years.
Jennifer Salke, President of NBC Entertainment, released the statement on behalf of the network. She expressed that NBC is “thrilled” that the show will pass the 50th season mark in 2015.
“Days of our Lives continues to be a fan favorite for the daytime audience and we are thrilled to keep it going through its 50th season,” said Salke. The statement cited the showed continued success was due to the notable increase in the key female audience. The show’s production and cast were also accredited for the show’s highly lauded accomplishments.
“Days has shown year-to-year increases in key female demographics and remains both relevant and fresh creatively due to the hard work of the producers, writers, cast and crew who have worked tirelessly to make Days the ratings success it is today.”
Steve Kent, Senior EVP, Programming for Sony Pictures Television also weighed in with a brief congratulatory statement in regards to the renewal. “Having won the Emmy Award for outstanding daytime drama, Days of our Lives continues to deliver on its legacy of quality storytelling,” said Kent. “We appreciate NBC’s continued support and are excited to celebrate the show’s 50th anniversary with our generations of dedicated fans.”
Days of our Lives premiered as a half-hour drama November 8, 1965. Due to its success, it was expanded to a hour-long series on April 21, 1975. According to Hollywood Reporter, the show is currently posting its best season in women aged 18-49 in three years, and its best viewership in four years.
It is considered one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world.
Image(s) via Facebook | Days of our Lives