“Yes, I am running,” said former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina this morning on Good Morning America.” “I think I’m the best person for the job because I understand how the economy actually works. I understand the world; who’s in it.”
Apparently, one of those people in the world is a little upset at Fiorina’s managerial maneuvers.
Here’s what you’ll see if you head to carlyfiorina.org:
…and after a lot of scrolling:
If you’re running for president, it seems like one of the items on the ol’ checklist would have to be making sure all your domains were yours. Of course, you can’t safeguard against all domain squatters – but the big ones (your name.com, your name.org, etc) seem like a necessity.
Luckily, carlyfiorina.com is hers.
Fiorina is not the only Republican presidential candidate to have some domain problems. Ted Cruz didn’t lock up TedCruz.com, and now he’s getting trolled.
Image via Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia Commons