The acclaimed Breaking Bad, better known as AMC’s Breaking Bad, has not only achieved its own official spin off titled Better Call Saul but its own fringe festival one man show, One Man Breaking Bad.
The sixty minute play will be performed in August at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The official description for this play reads as follows:
Sixty Episodes in 60 Minutes. One Man Breaking Bad. See your iconic favourites come to life: Walt, Jesse, Saul, Skyler, Hank, Walt Junior, Mike and Gus Fring! LA actor Miles Allen has had over a million hits on YouTube, displaying both his acting and his incredible mimicking abilities. See him in Edinburgh after the sell out Melbourne Comedy Festival season of the world premiere of this incredible tour de force.
The tour de force currently has nine likes on Facebook.
“I realized that there was still this huge hole in Breaking Bad fans’ hearts and in mine when the show had ended,” the man behind this madness, Miles Allen, explained according to The Hollywood Reporter, We’re like addicted to it, as Jesse and Walt’s customers were to their meth, and so the natural progression for me was packaging it as this huge fanboy love letter for the fans.”
**Breaking Bad Fans** 'One Man Breaking Bad' show to come to Edinburgh.
— Craig Gornall (@AlivenAmplified) July 8, 2014
As for the official spin-off, Better Call Saul, the New York Daily News found out a few facts for us. Namely, it will take place before, during and after the events of Breaking Bad. “One of the great things about having a timeline which is flexible is that perhaps some of it takes place before Breaking Bad, during Breaking Bad, and after Breaking Bad,” Executive Producer Peter Gould said. “That gives us the ability to bring back characters that were killed on Breaking Bad.”
It might even feature Bryan Cranston.
You #BetterCallSaul! RT @Rayy2D2: #BreakingBad spin off?
— Breaking Bad (@BreakingBad_AMC) July 3, 2014
If you want a taste of the spin off, a few promotional videos have been published online since September.
Image via AMC, YouTube.