In terms of entertainment, I’m not really sure how you could top next week. On Sunday, our favorite players in the most memorable drug game in TV history (sorry, The Wire) begin their tumble toward to end as Breaking Bad premieres.
Then, just when you think you’ve taken in all of the painful artistry that you can contain, Friday comes and you’re hit with the finale of Christopher Nolan’s Batman reboot The Dark Knight Rises. I’ve been known to exaggerate before when approaching great show premieres and great film releases, but I can legitimately say that I can’t remember a time when I was more excited about an upcoming period in media assault.
Someone must feel the same way, because they decided to just mash it all together. The result is this schizophrenic yet thoroughly enjoyable trailer for “Breaking Batman” courtesy of TheQuanrudes.
Check it out below (Caution: SPOILERS) –
Does it make sense? Not really. Does than even matter? Hardly. Except now it’s really hard to deny that Robin has a lot of Jesse Pinkman in him – or vice versa.
[via Geekosystem]