Barnes & Noble has introduced "Online Storytime," a new monthly program featuring well-known authors and celebrities reading picture books for children ages two through six.
Each Online Storytime features pan-and-scan filming of the picture book with the author or celebrity narrating.
"Parents and children can now experience the same excitement and fun found in our in-store B&N Storytimes in the comfort of their own homes with our new Online Storytime," said Rachel Jarrett, Director of Kids and Lifestyle Products for Barnes &
"Children exposed to read-aloud storytelling at a young age develop language and literacy skills sooner than those who are not. We’re excited to bring some of our nation’s bestselling children’s authors and celebrities-and their stories-into America’s homes and help children learn and grow."
The first Online Storytime book featured this month is "Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Butterfly, read by author Jane O’Connor. Barnes & Noble is offering visitors to Online Storytime a 45 percent discount on the purchase of "Fancy Nancy" books and toys for a limited time. New Online Storytime books will launch the first Tuesday of every month and will offer discounts on related products.