Google Digital Marketing Evangelist Avinash Kaushik opened Search Engine Strategies New York this morning with a keynote, which was largely advising digital marketers to get better and more focused in their marketing strategies.
It just so happens that Google announced new social reports for Google Analytics to help marketers do just that.
Here’s one brief video one audience member uploaded to YouTube:
Based on the Twitter reaction, the keynote went over very well with the audience:
@meg_hartley @avinash was amazing! Likely the highlight of the entire #sesny event.
@avinash at #SESNY on economic value attr to channels, Wish he spent more time on how to get to that optimal channel mix using data.
Loved@avinash at #SESNY which includes both marco & micro conversions, not just for the short term marco ones.
Optimize for economic value says@avinash‘s advice was. Don’t waste time on stuff that doesn’t have impact in the real world…#SES
Surprised at how common sense most of@avinash‘s keynote at #sesny completely blew me away. So pumped to learn more about digital marketing!
As a student,@avinash sold & signed 100 copies of his new book & now they’re all gone before I could get one. So where’s the @Wiley booth? #SESNY
SoAshley Zeckman at TopRank Online Marketing Blog put together a nice recap of the keynote with 7 things he taught her about optimization. She provides more explanation, but these essentially boiled down to: don’t just optimize for a small group of people, identify both micro and macro conversions, focus on a more broad scale, salary should be based on economic value you deliver, figure out how to move past the 2% (because it only delivers short-term value) and understanding/testing/being “less wrong” are the key things to do when participating in multiple channels.
aiClear Blog has a more in-depth piece on the keynote, concluding with Kaushik’s “high-level takeaways”:
1. Focus on measuring holistic success.
2. Be less wrong over time. Understand, test, learn.
3. Rethink social. Dig into the So what?, Where?, and Why? .
4. Stop guessing. Use controlled experiments.
5. Have insane focus. Have a clear line of sight.