Last year, when rumors of Apple’s 12-inch mega-iPad surfaced the product seemed to make sense. Ever larger smartphones have begun to encroach on the sizes of popular 7-inch tablets and the bigger-is-better mentality of the mobile device industry will inevitably lead to huge tablets anyway. Now, though, it seems that Apple hasn’t been able to develop such a device that meets its high standards.
A new DigiTimes Research report released today holds that Apple has “shelved” its mega-tablet project. The firm reportedly ran into trouble trying to gin up developer support for a larger tablet platform.
In the meantime, Android manufacturers are pushing ahead with their plans for mega-tablets. At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Samsung officially unveiled its rumored mega-tablets, two 12.2-inch Galaxy-branded devices.
The trouble with these mega-tablet plans could be that the price of such devices is climbing into notebook PC territory – and notebooks aren’t selling. The notebooks that are being sold are ultra-portable devices and Chromebooks, devices for productivity on-the-go. Tablet consumers are largely looking for low-priced devices to provide entertainment on-the-go. Mega-tablets could be caught in the middle with the high price of notebooks and the hobbled functionality of tablets, leading consumers to pass them over for what they really want or need.
DigiTimes points out that Asus may have stumbled onto a solution with its 13.3-inch dual-OS hybrid notebook/tablet that it announced at CES. However, plans for that device and others like it may not be in jeopardy as both Microsoft and Google object to sharing space on a single device.