Anna Paquin walked the red carpet for her new film, The Good Dinosaur, this week. Twitter lit up shortly thereafter with comments about the actress that were less than kind.
Rather than hiding in a corner, Paquin slammed the body shamers, calling them out for their rude behavior.
“Fun fact: Wearing a dress that is not skintight=Pregnant/invites people 2 call u fat. I’m neither so thanks 4 that,” she wrote.
Fun fact: Wearing a dress that is not skintight=Pregnant/invites people 2 call u fat. I'm neither so thanks 4 that
— Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) November 18, 2015
That wasn’t all Anna Paquin had to say either.
dear mother nature, people who bravely hide behind computers and pass judgement have informed me my pale skin and dark hair=old/ugle/harsh
— Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) November 18, 2015
Anna Paquin’s black embroidered dress with full skirt looked lovely on her. She didn’t look pregnant and she most certainly didn’t look fat.
Lots of Twitter followers complimented Paquin on her looks after she slammed the shamers. That prompted her to Tweet yet another message.
sorry if this feels like blatant compliment fishing, really not my intention but do appreciate the love xo
— Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) November 18, 2015
Anna Paquin needn’t worry that fans felt she was fishing for compliments. When one looks as stunning as she did on The Good Dinosaur red carpet, they have no need to fish.
How sad that so many people feel it’s okay to share their unkind opinions on social media. People with so little to do should consider volunteering. Lots of nonprofits need people with nothing but time on their hands.