Amazon announced the launch of the Cloud Drive API. This enables developers to integrate Cloud Drive into their own apps for various features.
With the API, Amazon customers will be able to edit their Cloud Drive photos and documents, print photos, organize cloud services, etc. with third-party app integrations. It’s already integrated with or will be soon integrated with the following apps: OfficeSuite, Perfectly Clear, FreePrints, Photo Gifts by MailPix, ScanCafe, FileThis, CloudHQ, File Commander, Jumptuit, Secrata, and Wappwolf.
“For developers,” Amazon says, “Cloud Drive eliminates the worry about the complexities of storage, conversion for multiple devices and screen resolutions, metadata management, indexing, search, and sync functionality.”
“Using the new Cloud Drive API, you could allow users to enable synchronization with their personal storage in the cloud,” it says. “Saving notes to their Cloud Drive would make the data accessible to your customers wherever they run your app—without requiring you to set up and manage servers, storage, or load balancers.”
The API is available to developers today. You can find the documentation here.
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