Akamai Expands Its Global Cloud Footprint

Akamai is continuing its transition to a cloud computing company, revealing plans to expand its global footprint with five new sites....
Akamai Expands Its Global Cloud Footprint
Written by Staff
  • Akamai is continuing its transition to a cloud computing company, revealing plans to expand its global footprint with five new sites.

    Akamai is one of the leading CDN providers, but the company has been working to become the “world’s most distributed compute platform.” A major step in that direction was purchasing Linode, one of the oldest cloud providers on the market, promising to double the latter’s global footprint.

    The company is taking a major step toward making good on that promise, adding five new locations, including Paris, Washington, D.C., and Chicago, with Seattle and Chennai, India coming online later this quarter.

    “Distributed workloads require distributed infrastructure,” said Adam Karon, chief operating officer and general manager, Cloud Technology Group, Akamai Technologies. “Legacy, centralized cloud architecture was not designed for the demands of developers and companies challenged with delivering better user experiences that increasingly require putting applications and data closer to the customer.”

    The company also announced “new premium instances that deliver consistent performance, predictable resource and budget allocation, and simpler SKU management for larger commercial workloads.” The company also “doubled the capacity of its object storage product to one petabyte and one billion objects per bucket,” and is launching an all-new Akamai Global Load Balancer this quarter.

    Akamai has made no secret about its intention to take on the industry’s biggest players, using its Linode acquisition as the springboard. These latest expansions and improvements show just how committed the company is to doing just that.

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