Jeremy Renner says that there is some pretty awesome stuff in store for his character Hawkeye in the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron.
For starters, there is a bad-ass new coat. But like many costume pieces — like almost every cloak on every hero — it looks better than it functions.
“Yeah he’s got a coat because we were fighting in the woods, so I guess he’s got this pretty cool coat. I can’t move in it but it’s cool-looking.”
Any film that features inventor Tony Stark as a character is bound to end up with better and better tech gadgets from one sequel to the next. Jeremy Renner is keeping Age of Ultron pretty close to the vest.
“There’s always new tech and different things, I don’t want to get into any of that sort of stuff either but yeah, there’s some new costumes, new tech, new characters, new good guys, new bad guys.”
Jeremy Renner couldn’t keep everything about Age of Ultron secret though. Since Hawkeye has no superpowers, per se, he has to rely on gadgets. And Hawkeye is an archer, so a smattering of new arrowheads had to be designed.
“It’s also kind of like the Bat-Belt for Hawkeye, he really has a lot of utility and for writers to make this thing creative in any scenario, ‘Oh, he has an arrow head that does this and does that.’ But it’s still just the tip of an arrow, it can only do so much. But yeah, I got a couple of new tech things that were pretty cool and went, ‘Oh, I didn’t know I had that, alright. That’s cool, that’s a cool one.”
As Chris Hemsworth said, whatever you liked in the Avengers’ first assemblage, there’s way more of in Age of Ultron.
“A lot more of us together in the movie as Avengers, which I think there’s only once or twice that we had that [in the first film]. So that’s been quite fun and long days to shoot because there’s a lot of people to cover in a scene when you have like ten Avengers in a scene. But there’s a lot more of what I think worked in the first one, they’ll have that exponentially more in this one.”