There’s no doubt that “Breaking Bad” actor Aaron Paul is an old time romantic and here’s why: When he got married to his wife Lauren Parsekian, he tracked down the lead singer of the band the Shivers to sing her favorite song, “Beauty.” But not only that, he emailed every person that was attending his wedding and had them learn the song too.
Paul spoke about the romantic gesture in an interview with Details magazine. “I tracked down the lead singer in Brooklyn,” explained Paul. “He’s afraid to fly, so he drove all the way to Malibu. When he got to the song and everybody else joined in, Lauren just started weeping in the most beautiful way ever. It’s all about embracing those moment. Throwing in surprises whenever you can.”
And not only does the 34-year old actor talk about surprising others, he talks about being surprised himself, by none other than Michael Jackson. Paul says he met the King of Pop at the Prince of Brunei’s 25th birthday celebration six years ago.
“I was going back up to my room,” he says, “and this guy grabs me and says, ‘Hey, Prince Azim wants to see you in the library.’ So I go down there, and he’s sitting on the couch with Michael Jackson, and me and Michael Jackson end up having this hour-long heart-to-heart about family and upbringings, and I remember, he just put his arm around my shoulder and said, ‘You know, if you’ve had a rough childhood or not, it’s all about forgiveness.”
In addition, Paul talks about that rough childhood in Emmett, Idaho, and also discusses the many jobs he had before moving to Hollywood and making it big. There’s a good chance we’ll be seeing more of Paul in the coming months, since he’ll be promoting his up and coming film “Exodus,” directed by Ridley Scott, which is supposed to be released later this year.
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