YouTube Unveils New ‘Communities’ Feature, Transforming How Creators and Fans Connect and Engage

"We wanted to build a space where, for the first time ever, subscribers can chat directly with each other and the creator," said Whitney Taylor, Head of Design for YouTube Community. "This introduces ...
YouTube Unveils New ‘Communities’ Feature, Transforming How Creators and Fans Connect and Engage
Written by Rich Ord
  • YouTube is no longer just a platform where creators share videos with their audience. In a significant shift announced during the “Made on YouTube” event in September 2024, the platform introduced its latest feature: Communities. This new, dedicated space allows fans to connect not only with creators but also with each other, transforming passive viewership into active engagement.

    “We wanted to build a space where, for the first time ever, subscribers can chat directly with each other and the creator,” said Whitney Taylor, Head of Design for YouTube Community. “This introduces a whole new level of interaction and takes some pressure off creators to constantly generate new content to keep their communities buzzing.”

    Listen to our conversation on the new YouTube Communities feature. It’s pretty cool!


    A Space Built on Feedback

    YouTube’s decision to launch Communities stems directly from feedback gathered from both creators and fans. For years, YouTube has been a place where creators’ work sparks conversation, but those conversations were mostly limited to the comments section of individual videos. Creators wanted more control over how those discussions unfolded, while fans sought deeper engagement beyond just reacting to a video.

    “Creators told us they needed more ways to manage their communities and take a break without feeling like they were abandoning their followers,” Taylor explained. “Meanwhile, fans wanted a space where they could talk, not just about a single video, but about shared passions.” The challenge, therefore, was to create a space that allowed for continuous dialogue, fostered a sense of belonging, and gave creators the tools they needed to manage their growing fanbases.

    The New YouTube Communities Experience

    So, what sets YouTube Communities apart from traditional comment sections or the older YouTube Community tab?

    “We’re using familiar features like posts and comments, but Communities is fundamentally different in a few key ways,” Taylor noted. One of the most significant distinctions is that fans can now initiate conversations, a first for YouTube. “This is fan-initiated, meaning that conversations aren’t always starting with the creator—they can begin with fans who are passionate about the same topics.”

    To ensure creators maintain control, the feature is initially limited to subscribers, giving creators the ability to manage who can post and participate in the discussion. “Creators have full control over who can post, and we’re exploring even more tools to give them flexibility as we expand the feature,” Taylor added.

    Communities will be linked directly from the creator’s channel, offering a seamless experience for fans. The goal is to create a space that feels intimate and personal, where conversations can evolve naturally over time, much like they do in popular platforms like Discord or Reddit.

    “It’s designed to be more than just a fan forum,” Taylor said. “It’s an extension of the creator’s channel and brand, offering a space for deeper engagement without the need to constantly produce new content.”

    Early Success Stories

    Even though Communities is still in its pilot phase, YouTube is already seeing promising results. “We started with a small group of varied channels, and the early communities are already thriving,” Taylor shared. From fitness enthusiasts sharing their personal progress to gamers discussing fan art and game theories, the platform has witnessed a wide range of interactions.

    One of the most impactful examples comes from a fitness community where women have begun sharing their fitness journeys. “Women who were once passive viewers are now posting photos of their progress and asking for advice,” Taylor said. “They’ve built a supportive space where they empower each other to achieve their goals.”

    In another case, a cooking channel has transformed its community into a space where followers challenge each other to try new recipes, sharing both their triumphs and mishaps. “It’s a great example of how a creator can spark an idea, but the community takes it forward,” Taylor remarked. “The creator isn’t driving every conversation; the fans are making the space their own.”

    Challenges and Future Expansion

    While the Communities feature has already shown promise, YouTube acknowledges there are challenges ahead, particularly when it comes to moderation. “We know that opening up the space for fan-generated content introduces more complexity in terms of moderation,” Taylor admitted. “That’s why we’re taking a slow and careful approach, ensuring that creators have the tools they need to manage their communities effectively.”

    In tandem with the Communities rollout, YouTube is introducing new moderation features in the YouTube Studio app. These tools include the Community Hub, which replaces the traditional comments section. With the help of AI, the Community Hub will surface the most relevant comments and even suggest replies, helping creators engage with their audience more efficiently.

    “We want to make sure creators aren’t overwhelmed by the new level of engagement,” Taylor said. “That’s why we’re equipping them with smarter tools to manage interactions.”

    As YouTube continues to test Communities with more creators throughout 2024, the platform plans to expand access more broadly in early 2025. “We’re excited about the potential here, but we’re also committed to learning from our creators and fans to make the experience even better,” Taylor noted.

    A New Era of Engagement

    With the introduction of Communities, YouTube is not just evolving as a video-sharing platform but as a social space where fans and creators can form deeper, more meaningful connections. “We see Communities as a transformative space, where creators don’t just upload content but build lasting relationships with their fans,” Taylor said.

    Looking ahead, YouTube is optimistic about the future of its platform. “This is just the beginning,” Taylor concluded. “We’re listening closely to our users and making sure Communities becomes a place where creativity, connection, and conversation thrive.”

    As YouTube continues to innovate, the Communities feature stands out as a defining shift in how creators and fans interact, ensuring that YouTube remains not only a platform for video content but also a vibrant hub for shared passions and discussions.

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