Facebook recently said that the final Timeline push is coming, and every user will be forced to switch by fall. Of course, this isn’t the first time that Facebook has said the end was near for old profile holdouts. The first time we heard talk of mandatory Timeline for all users was all the way back in January. At that time, Facebook told users that they had about two weeks to get everything in order before their Timeline went live.
But, as we now know, Facebook didn’t push Timeline to everyone.
Just last week, however, Facebook said that the recent upgrades to the photo section inside Timelines was the beginning of the end for old profile users. This fall is the time, they said, and all users that have yet to switch would eventually be greeted with a message when they log in telling them that they must make the switch.
Now, is the push already happening?
Some users are saying that they just woke up with Timeline (and they’re not happy, although their happiness is of no consequence).
What’s also interesting it that the users seems to be in a transitional period. They’re profile are still showing up as the old version, but hovering over their names shows on of the Timeline-inspired hovercards that Facebook unveiled back in June. Facebook gives users a week to manage their Timeline before it goes live to their friends, and it appears that their closed Timeline view is being leaked out via these hovercards.
There’s also a report from RTN coming out of India that says users have been notified that August 13th is the date of mandatory switch.
“However, several users in India have reported seeing messages on top of their Facebook pages that warn them that their profile will have to undergo a mandatory migration to Timeline by August 13,” says RTN.
By and large, users are still iffy about the Timeline. However, Facebook is going to push it to everyone very soon – your opinions are moot, to put it bluntly. The only question left now is “When?”
I’ve reached out to Facebook for comment and will update this article accordingly.
UPDATE: A Facebook spokeswoman tells me,
“We’ve been rolling out Timeline since January. As it rolls out, each user has a seven day review period before their own timeline is visible to their friends, so the clock will be different for everyone depending on when it rolls out to them and when they log in…”
She reiterates that Facebook hopes to have everyone switched over to Timeline by fall.