A lot of Delicious users aren’t digging the new version of Delicious, but I kind of like it. Sue me.
I’ve started a new “stack” for resources related to Google’s Panda Update, which webmasters can use to stay informed about it, and hopefully get some useful knowledge to help them survive future updates or help them get back in Google’s good graces if they’ve already fallen victim.
I wouldn’t say that the list is complete, so I’d like to encourage you to share other resources in the comments section. We’ll evaluate whether or not to include them from there. Hopefully we can make this a really useful resource.
Bookmark the stack, because there are links in it that will be updated continuously as more info comes out. Click the image below to go to the stack, and feel free to share it on StumbleUpon, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. so more can see it and help add to it.