Facebook Replaces Forums with Stack Overflow

Facebook announced a partnership with Stack Overflow to support Facebook Plaftorm Developers through facebook.stackoverflow.com. “The site will replace the Facebook forums as a place for develop...
Facebook Replaces Forums with Stack Overflow
Written by Chris Crum

Facebook announced a partnership with Stack Overflow to support Facebook Plaftorm Developers through facebook.stackoverflow.com. “The site will replace the Facebook forums as a place for developers to connect and share their expertise related to Platform,” a Facebook spokesperson tells WebProNews.

The developer forum will become “read only” after September 1.

“Moving forward, Stack Overflow is where you’ll go to have your Facebook Platform questions answered,” Facebook’s Will Liu says. “Bugs is where you go to report an issue with a legitimate repro, and you should participate in the Group to discuss, chat, and talk with us directly.”

Facebook Goes Stack Overflow

Users will simply be able to log in with their Facebook accounts or with a Stack Overflow account, adding Facebook login info to it.

Relevant questions from Stack Overflow will be displayed in Facebook’s docs. “A section at the bottom of each API method doc will display the top five questions, sorted by the number of votes,” says Liu.

Each week, Facebook will report the number of questions asked/answered tagged with “Facebook” on Stack overflow in its Platform updates.

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