Facebook Gives Developers Analytics For Apps

Facebook announced the launch of Facebook Analytics for Apps, which is exactly what it sounds like. Apps logging App Events, which according to the company, includes over 87% of the top-grossing apps ...
Facebook Gives Developers Analytics For Apps
Written by Chris Crum
  • Facebook announced the launch of Facebook Analytics for Apps, which is exactly what it sounds like. Apps logging App Events, which according to the company, includes over 87% of the top-grossing apps in the U.S., can start using the service immediately.

    The product includes insights to help you understand traffic across devices.

    “if you’re an online clothing retailer and have both a native mobile app and a website, you can tell if your customers click an ad for your app on their phone, browse a pair of jeans on their laptop, and finally make a purchase on their tablet,” explains Facebook’s Aydin Ghajar. “You might discover that the majority of purchases happen on your website, but the majority of those people previously clicked ads that came from mobile, which could help you decide where to run more ads.”

    It lets you look at demographic segments and metrics for them to see how they use your app differently from everyone else.

    “You could build a segment of the top five percent of people who make the most purchases in your app and look at their demographic and device breakdown,” says Ghajar. “For instance, you might discover that people who make the most purchases are women between 25-34 who use Android. You could then decide to invest more in your Android app, or run more ads for women in that age group.”

    You can look at cohorts (groups of people who took a set of actions in your app), and review metrics for them. You can look at things like what percentage of them launched your app, completed a registration, or made a purchase.

    You can also create funnels to see how people move through a series of steps in the app (such as a purchase flow), and see where people drop off.

    “If you’re a game developer and your game is only available in Spanish, you might want to know if translating your game into other languages would result in more purchases,” explains Ghajar. “You can build a funnel for your purchase flow, and then look at that funnel broken down by language. If non-Spanish speakers are dropping off at the purchase point more often, you might be able to increase your revenue by localizing your app into additional languages.”

    As the company notes, app developers can use the product to improve their Facebook ads. Over time, it says, it can help measure the performance of mobile app ads on other ad networks. That’s launching in closed beta.

    Images via Facebook

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